Friday, May 13, 2016

My Last Journal

Hi Guys, it’s me again with my 4th journal.
In this journal, I want to talk about narrative story that I have written.  Well, I think I have a problem when I have to write a story or essay, I always find my self stuck with the idea of the story.  When our lecturer told us to make a narrative story, I spent much time to get some idea about the story. Finally after change the story about 4 times, I could finish the first part of my story. I was glad because our lecturer told us to publish the first part first. Because if not, I think I wouldn’t able to finish it on time.
                My story was about something related to ghost. I don’t know why, I always interested with something that related to ghost. I often read story about ghost in the internet or books.  Because of that I decided to make a story about it. Well, the story isn’t as scary as you think. It is about the friendship between ghost and human. The first part was difficult for me because of the idea. But the second part and the third part was not as difficult as the first part. Because I just have to continue the story.
                When I write the story, I learn about the past tense and learn new vocabulary. Many new vocabularies I have learn when I wrote the story. And I tried to use more difficult words so I could enrich my vocabulary.  I also got many comment about my story from my friends. They gave me advised so my writing skill got better and better. I really appreciate that. Beside that, I also gave a comment to my friend’s work. I was confused about what should I write in the comment’s column, but after read my lecturer’s blog about how to give comment on my friend’s work, I could give a comment to my friend’s work.
                And finally it is almost final exams. Our lecturer gave us one more assignment. We have to write about the biography and submit the draft of the interview soon. I haven’t found someone that I can interview until now. And for my preparation faced the final exam, I have learned about new vocabulary and learned more and more about tenses also punctuation. I hope my final exam will be better  than my midterm test.
Wish me luck, see you in the next semester…. GOOD BYE 

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