Tuesday, April 12, 2016

My First Cultural and Celebration in Widya Mandala

Last Friday, I joined International Culture Festival and Celebration in my campus. This event was presented by EDSA. They invited guest from institude of several country, like France,Belarus, Poland, Spain, China, and our beloved country, Indonesia. Each contry did a presentation about their country. Beside that, they also invited high school students from IPIM, SMAN 11, Citra Berkat, Stella Maris, St Luis 2, and Gloria 1 as our guest. I also appreciate our lecturers and the committee, they wore the traditional dress from saveral districts in Indonesia like "Kebaya" and so on.
     The event is opened by dance performance from English Department students and I though it was amazing, they dance gracefully with red elegant dress. After that there was an opening speech from our lovely rector, Mr. Koencoro Fu. I was little bit surprise because he could come to our campus. He told us to appreciate our own culture but beside that we have to appreciate other culture too. The next event was opening speech from Mam Retno as a head from English Department and Mr. Hadi as a head of the committee.

Presentation From HAKA community
After the opening speech, we continued our event with presentation from each country. I wont tell you about the all the events because I think it will be a very long story. I will only tell you about the presentation and performance that impressed me. The first presentation was from HAKA community in Surabaya named Hwie Tiauw Ka community. From that presentation, I learn a lot about Chinese people. Therefore I’m Chinese, I didn’t know a lot about Chinese people. Many chinese now days don’t know how to speak Chinese language moreover write the Chinese letters, like me. I even didn’t have a chinese name. But HAKA people keep maintaining their culture, many of them speak chinese fluently. They taught us how to make a lampion from “Ang Pao” and how to make a calligraphy in their stand.
Salsa Permormance from Salsa Commuity
The next one is a performance from Spain. They invited a dancer from Salsa Community. The dancer taught us how to dance basic salsa. I was so impressesd by the Salsa dance because I have seen many great salsa dancer in Bali and I had an opportunity to learn a little bit salsa dance last year. They told us to come infront to dance salsa and you know that time I was forget about my shyness and came to the stage. The music began and all the people in the stage began to dance. The first song was “Baliando” by Enrique Iglesias. And I also saw Mr. Hadi came to stage and danced salsa. It was so fun because I never seen he danced salsa before.
Overall this event was fun and entertain me. Nevertheless I couldn’t tell the all event, I really enjoyed the event. And the most important things is from that event I got many new knowledge about language, culture, etc. I also practiced my listening skill because the MC as well as several presentator speak English. I think EDSA should held this event again next year.  

It is just a little story from the event. During the presentation, I saw two high school students was studying. They opened their book and began to solve math in their book. And that time I taugh, how diligent they are. or they just got bored with the event? I don't know. But I keep wondered, they should be studious students!   


  1. Hello Tyta,
    I think your writing was detailed and it was written in a chronological order. I like the fact that you describe the whole event in general. However, you told the readers the detailed of your favorite presentations and performances. Just for suggestions, it might be good if you try to find other vocabulary to use in your word. In first line of the second paragraph, you wrote “The event is opened by dance performance …” should it be “was” instead of “is”. The second sentence in the fifth paragraph is not clear to me, what do you mean by “Nevertheless I couldn’t tell the all event, I really enjoy the event.”? Other than that, you have done a great job.

  2. I think so about the Salsa dance Tyt. However, i can't dance at all :)
