Monday, February 8, 2016

my unique experience

       My favorite pet is a dog. My family has been raising a dog since I was a child to protect our storehouse. And I love to play with it. But once I had a bad incident with dog.
        One day, when I was 5 or 6 years old, my mother asked me to take an egg from the fridge. Our kitchen and dinning room were in different room, but there was connecting door. When I opened the door to give my mother the egg, I stepped on my dog's tail. And I got bite from it on my right foot. My mom immediately kicked the dog's mouth and it released my foot. It's so painful and I screamed loudly. I cried and my mom was so panic. She called my relative and asked how to treat my foot because she was afraid that I would get a rabies virus or tetanus. For around one week I got my foot swollen so I couldn't walk. but my mom treated me well. She cleaned and bandaged my foot with medicines. After one week, I got my foot better, I could walk and went to school again. I have been so thankful to have a mom like her.

                                                             here is my mom's photo:


  1. What a poor accident you got Tyta. #kidding
    First of all, your experience is unique because your mom worried about you that much. You must be happy because you have such a good mom which is care to you that much. In your article, your grammar actually is good, but don't mix the tenses. For example, when you tell about your past event, you have to use past tense in every event. Don't mix it with present simple. That's it

    1. thank u for your comment Tris. I hope my next post will be better

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Can you make it for 2 paragraph it will be better to read

  3. It is a sad experience i think. But you should be grateful to have a mom who will always worry about you. And for step on your dog's tail, i think you need to be more careful of it. Look at your step so you don't step on something that makes you painful.

  4. That story is a prove that our moms are our hero. And she would never stop caring us even if we're old.

  5. oh, that's a pitty ! it must have had been boring if you couldn"t walk :)

  6. uu sweet moment that u ever had ya ,bcos ur mom taking care of ur self and always makes u safely.I think u will be carefull next time tyt!:p

  7. Hi, Tyta! It was such an unforgettable experience :D but from this experience you could learn that there was someone who always loved and took care of you and she was YOUR MOM. Be grateful for that :D
